Please share this suggested wording with your legal advisor.
I give to St. Vincent's Foundation, Inc., a incorp_state non-profit (Tax ID #592219923), or its successor, the sum of $___________________, for any purpose as Ascension St. Vincent's Foundation deems appropriate. If your gift is not restricted it will be allocated to capital improvement at our local facilities.
I give to St. Vincent's Foundation, Inc., a incorp_state non-profit (Tax ID #592219923), or its successor (the real estate located at __________________ or 1000 shares of XYZ stock), for any purpose as Ascension St. Vincent's Foundation deems appropriate.
I give to St. Vincent's Foundation, Inc., a incorp_state non-profit (Tax ID #592219923), or its successor, ________% of the rest of my estate, for any purpose as Ascension St. Vincent's Foundation deems appropriate.